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Take The Invisible Out Of The Invisible Man
The Universal Monsters have been trying to get their well-worn boots off the ground in Hollywood for some time now, and it's been well...

The Creepiest Online Tours For Your Isolation Entertainment
The chance of travelling to some far exotic and interesting places is extremely slim right now thanks to COVID-19, but with the use of...

Rebooted - The Love Letter To Old School Movie Magic
I am currently writing an article for Supanova about the best horror movie reboots of all time, but this one might just take the cake....

Iconography: Leviathan
For fans of the TV Show Supernatural they will recognise Leviathans as the rulers of Purgatory. Seen as an ancient race of primordial...

The Best Horror Reboots
Horror movies usually come in a series, and whether it’s a never-ending saga of Saw films or an attempt to reboot a cult classic...
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