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The Best New Horror TV Shows To Binge-Watch Now That The 31 Day Horror Movie Challenge Is Over
With my 31 Horror Movie Challange done and dusted it now means that I have the time to tune in to some of the excellent horror based TV...

3 Things To Watch If You Love Ghosts
Do you believe in ghosts? Maybe not the white sheet style of ghost, but the haunting of spirits who are unable to move on? Whether you...

The Best Big Bads In Television
"Big Bads" in a TV show are a terrifying character that over-arches the whole season, frequently getting away from the heroes of the show...

Three Episodes Of The Twilight Zone That Will Haunt You Forever
"Smoke for pleasure - smoke Chesterfields" say the deep and unequivolcally smooth voice of Mr. Rod Serling, host of the eery 1959 TV show...

Daring To Be Different: Why The Evil Dead Can't Be Beaten
There are many horror movies that become instant classics - those that are so far ahead of the time they were created that they are...

5 Movies To Watch If You Love Zombies
Did you catch the article I wrote previously about 4 TV Show To Watch If You Love Zombies? Well if you’re like me and you love zombies in...

Why Supernatural Is The Best Horror/ Sci Fi TV Show Around
Supernatural is my favourite TV Show, and with thirteen seasons, 287 episodes and counting, and a whole army of fangirls, it seems that I...

4 TV Shows To Watch If You Love Zombies
Out of all mythical supernatural creatures – zombies, werewolves, vampires – zombies are by far my favourite. The idea of the dead coming...

3 Things To Watch If You Are Intrigued With The Salem Witch Trials
Something about the Salem witch trials has always interested me. I will always remember that you could stand accused of witchcraft if you...
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