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The Best Found Footage Horror Flicks
There is a lot of found footage style horror movies that have been successful in putting the viewer into the horror film, starting from...

The Best Pop Culture Witches Of All Time
Witches have fascinated and scared the world for centuries, and their depictions of strong, witchy femmes have been characters in TV...

Fantasy Island Is The Classic Horror Reboot 2020 Needed
Fans of classic TV shows will recognise Fantasy Island as the 1977 show the follows the accounts of visitors at a unique resort island...

Iconography: Beelzebub
He sounds like a character from Beetlegeuse, but Beelzebub is no smack talking poltergeist. With a name derived from a Philistine God,...

We Need To Be Talking About The Creature From The Black Lagoon
When you mention the Universal Monsters what typically comes to mind is the black and white old school horror characters of Dracula,...

Two Unique Takes On Found Footage Horror
Found footage film burst onto the scene as a new genre of horror, and while it was the filming method of the cult favourite The Blair...
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