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Three Episodes Of The Twilight Zone That Will Haunt You Forever
"Smoke for pleasure - smoke Chesterfields" say the deep and unequivolcally smooth voice of Mr. Rod Serling, host of the eery 1959 TV show...

Anatomy Of A Horror Movie
As you may have noticed, horror movies tend to follow a particular formula when it comes to characterisation and storylines, especially...

A History of Evil Clowns
I have a thing about Evil Clowns. I find them so absurdely fascinating that I will probably die at the hands of one - I'll be so overcome...

Daring To Be Different: Why The Evil Dead Can't Be Beaten
There are many horror movies that become instant classics - those that are so far ahead of the time they were created that they are...

Meet LeeAnna Vamp - The Ghoul Of Your Dreams!
Sexy girls in horror are not unusual - there is usually at least one buxom blonde running up the stairs instead of out the door - but...

5 Movies To Watch If You Love Zombies
Did you catch the article I wrote previously about 4 TV Show To Watch If You Love Zombies? Well if you’re like me and you love zombies in...

Why Supernatural Is The Best Horror/ Sci Fi TV Show Around
Supernatural is my favourite TV Show, and with thirteen seasons, 287 episodes and counting, and a whole army of fangirls, it seems that I...

In A World Of Prince Charmings Find Your Gomez Addams
“Look at her, I would die for her; or I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss” – Gomez Addams, The Addams Family I’m not big on...

Chainsaws In The Zombie Apocalypse: Intimidating or Incompetent?
I’m a 90’s kid, so I grew up playing infinite rounds of Nintendo 64 with my brother and my father. My favourite game was always Conker’s...

Advanced Screening Of A Quiet Place With Hoyts Cinemas
On Friday 30th March, I was lucky enough to attend a special advanced screening at Hoyts Belconnen of the scary new movie A Quiet Place...
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