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Fangoria x Monster Fest
During the Halloween season, Fangoria x Monster Fest hosted an epic celebration across Australian capital cities with featured screenings...

October 31 Day Horror Movie Challenge - What I Learnt Watching A Horror Movie A Day
You can really learn a lot about yourself by the things you expose yourself to, and setting myself a challenge to watch a horror movie a...

October 31 Day Horror Movie Challenge - The Ones That Made The Cut
Every year to celebrate Halloween I watch at least one horror movie a day every day during the month of October. As I scour my way...

October 31 Day Horror Movie Challenge Part 3
Welcome to the third year running of the October 31 Day Horror Movie Challenge! To help celebrate Halloween I started a challenge in...

Happy Halloween!
It is October 31st, and you know what that means - Happy Halloween! As you all know I so obviously love Halloween, and every year I...

"We're Not American!": Why Australian Halloween Haters Are Uneducated And Prejudiced
I am a horror writer based in Australia, and if you are an avid Halloween lover like me you will be well-aware of the Halloween-haters...

The Circus of Eternals
Towards the end of 2018, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet and befriend Anna-Sophie Jurgen, a Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellow at...

The Best Jocks In Horror
We've looked at the best characters of the classic horror movie archetypes of the "Final Girl", the "Slut", the "Brain" and the "Fool",...

The Best Brains In Horror
In horror movies, there is a classic overarching characterisation that there are five main characters - the "Final Girl", the "Slut", the...

The Best Fools In Horror
No matter the killer, the location, or the weapon, the classic horror trope will generally follow a particular route, showcasing the...
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