October 31 Day Horror Movie Challenge Part 3

Welcome to the third year running of the October 31 Day Horror Movie Challenge! To help celebrate Halloween I started a challenge in October where I would watch at least one horror movie a day for the entire month and chronicle the journey for my readers at This Side of Sanguine.
In both 2017 and 2018 I was successful with watching 31 horror movies each day, despite the wane in horror movie availability in 2018. This year, I actually almost didn't make it to watching 31 horror movies due to a lag in horror-movie-watching desire and a long weekend cruise that made movie watching near impossible. But, on the eve of the 31st day I managed to squeeze in the last of the movies.
I was determined to open my mind a little more and also watch some of the classics and tick off what is considered the best horror movies of all time. With the help of my movie buff friends, here are the horror movies I watched in 2019:
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors