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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Cake

It's almost my birthday, which is my second favourite time of the year after Halloween!

I mean, it's another excuse to dress up, eat heaps of food and cake, and celebrate, right?

Since it is coming up to my birthday I have been reminiscing about some of the awesome parties I have thrown and one of my favourite was definitely my 21st. It was a Horror themed party and everyone dressed up as horror movie characters (I was the Bride of Chucky).

We partied into my birthday amongst cauldrons of candy and skeletons and as the birthday cake I asked Stacked Cakes of Canberra to design me a cake reminiscent of the excellent TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She made this wonderful chocolate cake with fondant blood dripping down the sides and a huge chunky fondant stake.

Check out Stacked Cakes and her other awesome works today!

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