Did I Just Fall In Love With The Devil?

As I started watching the thirteenth season of my favourite TV Show Supernatural and I realised something that I probably should not be proud of.
I kind of had a crush on the Devil.
Or more specifically, the actor Mark Pellegrino who plays the character of Lucifer in the show. Now usually I'm a Dean girl all the way, but something in me completely switched of late when I found myself horny and alone at a festival. I matched with a guy on Tinder and when we met up sparks flew and we got straight down to business.
But as we were making out on the oval and I looked down at him, I saw him smile this cheeky half grin and I instantly thought, "Oh shit. He looks like the Devil from Supernatural!" Upon thinking this I kind of started to like him more, and despite our little tryst being rather short-lived I walked away with a bit of a spring in my step.
They say the devil's hands are idle playthings, but that's got nothing on him.
Knowing I had been with a guy who looked like Mark Pellegrino made me just a tad more excited to find him reoccurring as the powerful and sassy Lucifer in my favourite show, and I could not stop thinking about my encounter with his lookalike.
But the act of making us Supernatural fangirls fall in love with the Devil is not something new, and Lucifer is to date one of the fandom's favourite villains. Once the universe expanded to include angels it was fair to introduce the idea of Satan from the Christian mythos and he has primarily lived up to the role of being arrogant, manipulative, cruel and sarcastic. Mark Pellegrino's take on the role has seen Lucifer as clever, charismatic and mischievous, but the heart of the show has always been about bonds, and Lucifer's narrative in the latest season has seen him with more human traits than ever before, transcending the idea between humanity and the wickedness at it's core. It's this mischievous villainy that is like a man in a top hat and tails twirling his moustache while a helpless damsel is tied to a railway track that makes the devil look like so much fun.
And while I'm crushing on Pellegrino's take on the Devil for particularly memorable reasons, Supernatural is not the only TV show or movie that makes the Devil inviting:

Lucifer - Tom Ellis
With Tom Ellis as the titular character, this 2016 show based on Neil Gailman's writings follows Lucifer as a murder awakens something unfamiliar in Lucifer's soul that is similar to compassion and sympathy. Upon meeting a homicide detective named Chloe who has more goodness in her than you can poke a stick at, Lucifer starts to wonder if there is hope for his immortally damned soul.
As a crime- based TV show that focuses on Lucifer using his powers to solve murders, this is certainly a far-reaching premise, but with a 97% rating and a very attractive Lucifer, it's hard not to kind of fall in love with the Devil.

Bedazzled - Elizabeth Hurley
Phoar! If you're not in love with Elizabeth Hurley after seeing the 2000 movie Bedazzled, you must be crazy! Starring Brendan Fraser as a love-lorn and shy Elliot, Elliot strikes a deal with the Devil to try and win the affections of his crush. Elizabeth Hurley plays the Devil with a wicked sense of humour that is equal parts sassy and sweet, and tops it all off with a series of very sexy costumes.
If the devil is a woman like Elizabeth Hurley portrays her, she'd definitely have you begging on your knees.

Futurama - The Robot Devil
Ok, maybe you aren't likely to fall in love with this animated robotic portrayal of the Devil, but TV show Futurama certainly knows how to make the devil likable. As the dark lord of Robot Hell, where robots of Robotology are sent after having sinned, the Robot Devil spends most of his time dishing out ironic punishments, gambling with souls, and playing his old violin.
Since it's a comedy show, the Robot Devil is usually always up for a hootenanny, and what's not to love about that?
So after seeing some other examples of the devil portrayed in popular culture, can you really blame for having a crush on the devil? I mean, really, they just make it seem like so much wickedly good fun!