Sponsored Post with Your Dog Advisor: How To Celebrate Howl-o-ween!

Halloween is an extremely fun time for adults and kids a like, and in a world where people have started treating their fur babies as actual babies it comes to no surprise to find people celebrating the spooky season with their dogs - in fact, last Halloween I was lucky enough to find myself on the receiving end of more than 50 pats from dogs in costumes coming back from a Halloween dog parade!
It made my day, and if seeing dogs in Halloween costumes are likely to make yours then I suggest its time we have ourselves a Howl-o-ween instead! With the help from Your Dog Advisor, here are some ways you can celebrate the spooky season with your pooch.
Halloween dress ups
For this one, obviously it depends on your dog’s temperament and how patient they are prepared to be. Perhaps it depends how much your dog loves a bribe too… Or maybe your dog already loves dressing up and will not mind at all.
Nevertheless… if your dog can handle it, why not dress your dog up in some adorable Halloween costumes such as a pumpkin, a hot dog, a ghost or even a mermaid?
It’s also the perfect opportunity to take some super cute (or spooky) pictures of your dog.
Picture this… Your pooch dressed as a wizard, you dressed as one of the main characters in Harry Potter such as Dumbledore, Voldemort or even Hagrid. What could be a better combination? Once you’re done and dusted with the dress up and photoshoot session, you’ll both be ready to go trick or treating.
Take your pooch trick or treating
f your dog loves the outdoors and is not too afraid of people dressed up, why not take him trick or treating with you? Your dog will get a good walk out of it and will get to socialize and meet lots of new people. This is great for dogs as they honestly love humans.
It was reported that when dogs meet and smell humans, it stimulates pleasure for them more than it would when they meet other dogs. Who knows, your dog might even help you and your kids socialize with others in the neighbourhood as well. Dogs are a great conversation starter and nobody can deny that dogs in costume are one of the most adorable things on the planet.
Curl up on the couch
If you’re more of a stay-at-home kind of person when it comes to Halloween you could always get into the spirit of this season by watching a scary movie. If scary movies aren’t your thing either, you could watch Halloween episodes of TV shows.
If your dog is a particularly cuddly dog who loves to be close to you, he’ll love to snuggle up with you on the sofa while watching a film. Some dogs fall asleep, others watch the TV. It all depends on the sounds and what they can see.

Halloween pet party
Just as us humans enjoy socialising with our friends and having general human interaction from time to time, dogs like socialising with their own kind too. f you’ve met other dogs along the way that your dog enjoys the company of, or simply know people who have their own dogs, you could invite them to bring their dog in costume. If you’re not up to having them in your own home or you do not have the space, you could always arrange something in your local area.
Halloween Dog Treats
Whether you’re a star baker or not, you could always try baking some Halloween goodies for your pup. With this one, your dog cannot join in otherwise they may well end up causing a kitchen disaster. However, your dog might hang around in the kitchen while you bake them some delicious treats.
Most treats are pretty easy to turn into Halloween themed treats, even by using Halloween shaped cookie cutters or adding some pumpkin into your dog treats, which is a well-known benefit to pups.
Big thanks to Your Dog Advisor for this partnership article. If you are interested in partnering up with This Side of Sanguine, please visit the contact page and drop me a line.