October 31 Day Horror Movie Challenge Part 4

It's that time of year again - the time where I watch a horror movie a day for the entire month of October in order to celebrate Halloween. My personal challenge, October 31 Day Horror Movie Challenge is in it's fourth year and I must say I wasn't really sure if I would do it again after last year.
The years that I have been completing the challenge have been successful despite the lag in decent horror movies that made appearances in 2018 and 2019. It seemed that the horror movie industry was incredibly lacking with all the recent reboots and shutdowns due to the Coronavirus. Never fear though, the appropriate break of 11 months from horror movies left me frothing for more. There also happened to be a series of new movies available and new horror movie streaming options on the cards (Hello Shudder!) so I decided to counteract the previous viewings of classic horror flicks and new fright fests with more out-of-the-box and modern horror movies.
In fact, there were so many available that I actually watched MORE than the 31 horror movies I was supposed to, and still managed to get through three seasons of Shameless and the Haunting of Bly Manor. So, I guess COVID was good for something!
So without further ado, here are the 31 horror movies I watched during 2020: