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Stay Spooky, Cookie!
Usually around December is when I would take a break from publishing posts here on my blog This Side of Sanguine, as we let the spooky...
The Battle May Be Over But There Is One More War Left To Win: Cosmic Decay: Absolution Out Now!
The war for ownership of the Earth is over, but there is one more battle left to win. In this third and final part of the action-packed...
The Best Supernatural Episodes Of All Time
The Eric Kripke TV show Supernatural is coming to an end with it's final episode "Carry On" released on November 15th 2020. Saying...
Iconography: Baron Samedi
We've talked a lot about different icons in different mythologies and religions, but I thought that this very spooky month of October...
New Horror TV Shows To Watch Now That The Challenge Is Over
We've spent all October watching back to back horror movies, but what about the new TV shows that have popped up? Well now that the 31...
What I Learnt During The October 31 Day Horror Movie Challenge - Part 4
You can really learn a lot about yourself by the things you expose yourself to, and setting myself a challenge to watch a horror movie a...
October 31 Day Horror Movie Challenge - The Ones That Made The Cut Part 4
Every year to celebrate Halloween I watch at least one horror movie a day every day during the month of October. As I scour my way...
October 31 Day Horror Movie Challenge Part 4
It's that time of year again - the time where I watch a horror movie a day for the entire month of October in order to celebrate...
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween all of your guys and ghouls!!!! Ahhh Halloween, my most favourite time of the year. I am not going to lie, getting to...
The Best Halloween Themed TV Episodes
Halloween is coming, and we all know that Halloween is by far the best theme for any event, holiday, party, or costume. It's a time to...
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